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North Star Schools Programme

North Star is a project unique to many others, showcasing Belfast’s creativity and diversity as part of the year long Belfast 2024 programme. North Star’s final show will link Ireland and Africa, inspired by Frederick Douglass’ epochal speech in Belfast where he famously stated, “Wherever else I feel myself to be a stranger, I will always have a home in Belfast.”

During the first stage of North Star, we collaborated with partner organisation, Fighting Words, bringing Douglass’s legacy to life in classrooms across Belfast. Over an eight-week creative writing programme, students from St. Colm’s, Trinity College, Lagan College, and Ashfield Girls responded to the question, “Does Belfast feel like home to you?”

Each school had a guest visit from one of the key North Star artists, encouraging the students to produce their own pieces and to share their ideas. 

Students at St. Colm’s had the opportunity to discover their inner songwriter with Winnie Ama’s amazing music workshop which saw them write lyrics for a group track that Winnie performed at the end of the session. 

Trinity College, Lagan College and Ashfield Girls had a visit from Nandi Jola who shared her unique writing expertise and knowledge of Douglass, getting the young people to write a piece imagining what it would’ve been like to be there during Douglass’ speech in Belfast. 

Derry Girls actor and playwright Tara Lynne O’Neill shared her acting knowledge with students across all the schools in a performance-based workshop on tone of voice, encouraging them to channel their inner Mary Quinn, and consider how things can be different when you say them out loud!  

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